
Showing posts from March, 2024

An Apocalypse of One: Of Cult Leaders, Messianic Delusion, and Radicalization. The “Shared Psychosis” of Messianic Trump Syndrome...

Trump shares bizarre video declaring ' God made Trump ,' suggesting he is embracing a messianic image The messiah complex is most often reported in patients suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. When a messiah complex is manifested within a religious individual after a visit to Jerusalem, it may be identified as a psychosis known as Jerusalem syndrome.


DNA reveals we are all genetic mutts. GENETICIST DAVID REICH DISCUSSES HOW MIGRATION SHAPED MODERN HUMAN POPULATIONS Examination of ancient DNA can provide profound insights into human history, according to David Reich, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School. His talk at the Science Center on Wednesday, “A Tale of Two Subcontinents: The Parallel Prehistories of Europe and South Asia,” was drawn from his new book, “Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past,” showing what recent studies have revealed about the prehistory of Europe and southern Asia. Reich “reshaped our understanding of human prehistory,” according to a New York Times profile last year, with the publication of DNA from the genomes of 938 ancient humans — more than all other research teams working in the field combined. This research, the story noted, has shed light on the spread of agriculture and the peopling of the planet. Reich began his lecture by explaini

2017: Trump ended rule to block mentally ill from getting guns.

2024: Trump depends on the psychotic disorders of strangers to carry out his threats.. “If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath ... It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.” Trump signed a bill making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns. It did not attract a ton of attention at the time (nothing does these days) but about a year ago on February 28, 2017, Congress passed and Donald Trump signed a law revoking an Obama-era regulatory initiative that made it harder for people with mental illness to buy a gun. Yet despite this effort to roll back even a very modest effort to restrain the ability of seriously incapacitated people from obtaining deadly weapons, this morning Trump tweeted that there were “so many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed,” implying that someone should have done something to report him. But it’s Trump’s party — and Trump himself — who have consistently prevented the federal government from doin


How Trump Unleashed a Domestic Terrorism Movement—And What Experts Say Must Be Done to Defeat It. “HE TELLS THEM WHAT TO DO. HE TELLS THEM WHY THEY’RE ANGRY.” Trump ISSUES FRIGHTENING THREAT at Rally... Survey of 8,000 Prisoners’ Political Views Finds Surprising Results. What a politician believes about the impact of restoring the vote to a convicted felon often depends on which side of the aisle they stand on. A common belief amongst politicians is that felons are liberals who would vote Democratic. A survey of 8,266 prisoners by Slate and The Marshall Project found that convicts’ political views cannot be so easily pigeonholed. They reported that: • A plurality of white respondents back President Trump, undercutting claims that people in prison would overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. • Long stretches in prison appear to be more politicizi

2016: Donald Trump Is A Reptilian Shapeshifter And Here’s Why.

Reptilians (also called reptoids, archons, reptiloids, saurians, draconians, or lizard people) are supposed reptilian humanoids, which play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories. WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GOOSE... SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE DONALD TRUMP IS THE ANTI-CHRIST AND SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE HE'S A REPTILE. COULD BOTH BE RIGHT ? Yeah that’s right. People laughed at **David Icke** when he said that shapeshifting reptilian humanoids are the force behind a conspiracy to destroy the human race. They said he was crazy; they brought him on the Terry Wogan show and they laughed in his face. (**Icke may be nuts but he seems to have been on to something**) David Vaughan Icke is an English conspiracy theorist and a former footballer and sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries. Well it’s time to stop laughing people because we have got a serious problem on ou

Have Evangelical Leaders Betrayed Jesus for Earthly Power and Influence?

Why Do Some Megachurch Pastors Not Have To Pay Property Taxes? Some of America's biggest megachurch pastors live in glamorous multimillion-dollar mansions in stunning locations. Louisiana televangelist Jesse Duplantis lives in a mega-mansion outside New Orleans. He has said the home cost about $20,000,000 to build. However, records from last year show neither Duplantis nor his church paid a single cent in taxes on this property. Critics, like Pete Evans of the televangelist watchdog group Trinity Foundations, say these preachers are using a legal way to avoid paying property taxes on their pricey homes. What Is a Savior (or Messiah) Complex? Think you know what’s better for others. You may be prone to a messiah complex if you believe you know what’s best for others. That can lead to an irrational impression that you’re helping others. In other words, your good deed could backfire on the person you’re trying to help. Crave power over others o