Despite U.S. Sanctions, Iran Expands Its Nuclear Stockpile

2018:Trump Abandons Iran Nuclear Deal He Long Scorned.
QUOTE: The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.
President Donald J. Trump.
Trump pulls out of Iran nuclear deal full speech.
Two years after Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran has cut in half the time it would need to produce enough weapons-grade fuel for a nuclear bomb.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declared on Tuesday that he was withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor Barack Obama, isolating the United States from its Western allies and sowing uncertainty before a risky nuclear negotiation with North Korea.
Iran Is Closer to Building a Nuclear Bomb Than It Has Ever Been
Five years after Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, we’re still living with one of Trump's greatest blunders.
Exactly five years ago, Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in one of the dumbest moves of his presidency—the dumbest when it comes to foreign policy. This is not a partisan statement. It’s also true that President Joe Biden’s failure to reverse Trump’s misstep ranks as the most puzzling—and may prove to be most catastrophic—decision in his term of office so far. But Trump’s move on May 8, 2018, set the stage for whatever disasters may come of it. By the time he pulled the plug, Iran was well on its way to dismantling its nuclear program. International inspectors, who were granted full access to suspect sites, said in all of their routine reports that Iran was in full compliance with the deal’s terms.
Former President Trump was asked a question about the Israel/Gaza conflict after he appeared in court for his civil fraud trial. At one point Trump claims that he would've made a deal with Iran to ensure that they would not get ahold of a nuclear weapon.
Iran close to testing nuclear weapons for first time - European intel.
Iran's fast-moving development of weapons-grade uranium is bringing the possibility of an Iranian first nuclear test closer. The Islamic Republic of Iran is close to possibly testing a nuclear weapons device and has sought to obtain illicit technology for its active atomic weapons program, according to a series of shocking European intelligence reports released in 2023. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) first published translations of the intelligence documents on its website. The Jerusalem Post is the first Israeli newspaper to report on the intelligence findings from the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany. The most unsettling revelation from the batch of intelligence data comes from the Netherlands General and Intelligence Security Service (AVID).
What Is the Iran Nuclear Deal?
Diplomacy to revive this arms control agreement has faced multiple stumbling blocks, including Iran’s nuclear advances and geopolitics related to the war in Ukraine. Signed in 2015 by Iran and several world powers, including the United States, the JCPOA placed significant restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. President Trump withdrew the United States from the deal in 2018, claiming it failed to curtail Iran’s missile program and regional influence. Iran began ignoring limitations on its nuclear program a year later. Washington and Tehran have both said they would return to the original deal but they disagree on the steps to get there.
The Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran and several world powers, including the United States, in July 2015. Under its terms, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief. Proponents of the deal said that it would help prevent a revival of Iran’s nuclear weapons program and thereby reduce the prospects for conflict between Iran and its regional rivals, including Israel and Saudi Arabia. However, the deal has been in jeopardy since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from it in 2018. In retaliation for the U.S. departure and for deadly attacks on prominent Iranians in 2020, including one by the United States, Iran has resumed its nuclear activities. UN inspectors reported in early 2023 that Iran had enriched trace amounts of uranium to nearly weapons-grade levels, sparking international alarm. President Joe Biden said the United States would return to the deal if Iran came back into compliance, and after two years of stop-and-go talks, the countries appear to be nearing an informal, interim agreement.
PROTECTING AMERICA FROM A BAD DEAL: President Donald J. Trump is terminating the United States’ participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran and re-imposing sanctions lifted under the deal.
President Trump is terminating United States participation in the JCPOA, as it failed to protect America’s national security interests. The JCPOA enriched the Iranian regime and enabled its malign behavior, while at best delaying its ability to pursue nuclear weapons and allowing it to preserve nuclear research and development. The President has directed his Administration to immediately begin the process of re-imposing sanctions related to the JCPOA. The re-imposed sanctions will target critical sectors of Iran’s economy, such as its energy, petrochemical, and financial sectors.Those doing business in Iran will be provided a period of time to allow them to wind down operations in or business involving Iran. Those who fail to wind down such activities with Iran by the end of the period will risk severe consequences. United States withdrawal from the JCPOA will pressure the Iranian regime to alter its course of malign activities and ensure that Iranian bad acts are no longer rewarded. As a result, both Iran and its regional proxies will be put on notice. As importantly, this step will help ensure global funds stop flowing towards illicit terrorist and nuclear activities.
Iran negotiated the JCPOA in bad faith, and the deal gave the Iranian regime too much in exchange for too little. Intelligence recently released by Israel provides compelling details about Iran’s past secret efforts to develop nuclear weapons, which it lied about for years.The intelligence further demonstrates that the Iranian regime did not come clean about its nuclear weapons activity, and that it entered the JCPOA in bad faith. The JCPOA failed to deal with the threat of Iran’s missile program and did not include a strong enough mechanism for inspections and verification. The JCPOA foolishly gave the Iranian regime a windfall of cash and access to the international financial system for trade and investment.Instead of using the money from the JCPOA to support the Iranian people at home, the regime has instead funded a military buildup and continues to fund its terrorist proxies, such as Hizballah and Hamas. Iran violated the laws and regulations of European countries to counterfeit the currency of its neighbor, Yemen, to support the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force’s destabilizing activities.
President Trump is committed to ensuring Iran has no possible path to a nuclear weapon and is addressing the threats posed by the regime’s malign activities. President Trump will work to assemble a broad coalition of nations to deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon and to counter the totality of the regime’s malign activities. Nations must work together to halt the Iranian regime’s destabilizing drive for regional hegemony.In Syria, the Iranian regime supports the Assad regime and is complicit in Assad’s atrocities against the Syrian people. In Yemen, the regime has escalated the conflict and used the Houthis as a proxy to attack other nations. In Iraq, Iran’s IRGC sponsors Shia militant groups and terrorists. In Lebanon, the Iranian regime enables Hizballah to play a highly destabilizing role and to build an arsenal of weapons that threatens the region. The Administration’s actions are directed against the malign behavior of the Iranian regime, not against the Iranian people, who are the regime’s longest-suffering victims. President Trump is making clear that, in addition to never developing a nuclear weapon, the Iranian regime must:Never have an ICBM, cease developing any nuclear-capable missiles, and stop proliferating ballistic missiles to others. Cease its support for terrorists, extremists, and regional proxies, such as Hizballah, Hamas, the Taliban, and al-Qa’ida. End its publicly declared quest to destroy Israel. Stop its threats to freedom of navigation, especially in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea. Cease escalating the Yemen conflict and destabilizing the region by proliferating weapons to the Houthis. End its cyber-attacks against the United States and our allies, including Israel. Stop its grievous human rights abuses, shown most recently in the regime’s crackdown against widespread protests by Iranian citizens. Stop its unjust detention of foreigners, including United States citizens.


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