Gun culture in Russia: How does it compare to the U.S.?

2021: RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN HAS SIGNED INTO LAW A BILL TIGHTENING GUN CONTROLS IN RESPONSE TO A DEADLY SCHOOL SHOOTING EARLIER THIS YEAR. The law, signed into force on June 28, raises the minimum age for buying hunting rifles and long-barreled guns from 18 to 21. It also provides for additional restrictions on owning weapons. Previously, people convicted of serious crimes were barred from owning a gun. Now anyone convicted or under investigation for the consumption of drugs can be denied a gun license. A temporary ban will also be imposed on persons caught driving while under the influence of alcohol. Russians with two or more expired criminal records also won’t receive a weapons license. The minimum age does not apply to those serving in the army, members of state military organizations, or police officers. Members of indigenous minorities, professional hunters, and staff of private security firms will also continue to have the right to own weapons from the age of 18. The head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, proposed tightening gun laws in May after a school shooting in Kazan left seven children and two teachers dead. The attacks was carried out by 19-year-old Ilnaz Galyaviev using an officially registered weapon. Russia’s history of gun ownership has been a rollercoaster: from an armed populace in the days of the monarchy to near complete disarmament during the Soviet Union. Russian laws regarding gun ownership today continue to stand in stark contrast to those in the United States and, despite numerous restrictions, gun culture in Russia remains a popular trend. To get a clear understanding of the current situation, we spoke with Rafail Ruditsky, head of the Civilian Weapons Union in Moscow. “Most Russians do not support the free trade of arms - neither do I - believing there should be tight control over firearm sales.” Substantiating on this and when asked about the United States, he adds, “The American model does not sufficiently limit access to arms in the case of psychologically unstable people and drug addicts.” Add to this the fact that there has never been a strong demand for widespread civilian gun ownership in the country, and it becomes apparent that changing or reversing these laws is not a major point of contention in Russian politics. To summarize the Russian weapons laws for civilians who are not government employees: • No permission or registration is needed to purchase and carry chemical defense weapons (e.g., tear gas guns) or electric defense devices such as stun guns. • Citizens have the right to acquire shotguns for self-defense and sport. • After five years of lawful ownership of a shotgun, a citizen may obtain a permit to purchase and use rifles for sporting purposes. • An individual may own up to five rifles and five shotguns. • Handguns are prohibited. • All firearms must be registered. • Before obtaining one’s first firearm, one must receive instruction in firearms laws and safety. Every five years, the firearms owner must pass a test demonstrating continuing knowledge of these subjects. • The first-time owner must also obtain a medical certification that he or she does not have any disqualifying conditions, such as mental illness or alcoholism. • In order to use a firearm for lawful self-defense, the crime victim must first attempt to give the criminal a warning, if practicable. Defensive use of firearms against women, the disabled, and minors is prohibited, unless they are attacking as part of a gang. 2013: The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders. Guns Bleed Back Into Russia From Ukraine, Sparking Spike in Violent Crime. Guns from President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine are crossing into Russia at a rapid rate and leading to a surge in armed crimes there, according to recent data released by the Russian Interior Ministry (MVD) (The Moscow Times, November 23). For Russia as a whole, the MVD says, the number of such crimes is up nearly 30 percent so far this year compared to the same period in 2021; for Kursk Oblast alone, which borders Ukraine, the figure is an astounding 675 percent. The spikes in other Russian regions along the Ukrainian border are also up by triple-digit percentages. This pattern leaves little doubt that the guns being used now by Russians to commit violent crimes across the country are coming in waves from the war zone in Ukraine. Meet the pro-Putin Republicans and conservatives Their thoughts on Russia and Ukraine, in their own words Why does Putin have superfans among the US right wing? Murphy: The Republicans Lifting Up Putin Are the Same Ones Trying to Destroy Democracy DeSantis joins the pro-Putin MAGA crowd Opinion. MAGA Republicans aren’t isolationist. They’re pro-Putin. Opinion. The far-right’s pro-Russia posture endangers the nation and the world The G.O.P.’s ‘Putin Wing’ In Republicans’ own words. Republicans are backing Ukraine in the war. So why is there support for Russia on America's far right? AMERICA'S FAR RIGHT SHARES A COMMON ENEMY WITH PUTIN AND RUSSIA: THE WEST'S LIBERAL VALUES AND THE CABAL OF ELITES THEY BELIEVE CONTROLS THE ECONOMY AND THE MEDIA. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been near unanimous denunciation of President Vladimir Putin, from President Joe Biden calling Putin a "war criminal," to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell describing him as a "ruthless thug." But the Ukraine invasion has found a significant pocket of support from prominent figures on the far right including white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who regularly gushes about Putin on his Telegram channel. The war is also a hot topic in QAnon chatrooms where Putin is often portrayed as a hero. Gun Violence by Country 2023


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