
Showing posts from March, 2023

Gun culture in Russia: How does it compare to the U.S.?

2021: RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN HAS SIGNED INTO LAW A BILL TIGHTENING GUN CONTROLS IN RESPONSE TO A DEADLY SCHOOL SHOOTING EARLIER THIS YEAR. The law, signed into force on June 28, raises the minimum age for buying hunting rifles and long-barreled guns from 18 to 21. It also provides for additional restrictions on owning weapons. Previously, people convicted of serious crimes were barred from owning a gun. Now anyone convicted or under investigation for the consumption of drugs can be denied a gun license. A temporary ban will also be imposed on persons caught driving while under the influence of alcohol. Russians with two or more expired criminal records also won’t receive a weapons license. The minimum age does not apply to those serving in the army, members of state military organizations, or police officers. Members of indigenous minorities, professional hunters, and staff of private security firms will also continue to have the right to own weapons from the age of

Guns provide people with feeling of power AND POWER IS ADDICTIVE...

Gun Addiction: It’s Real and It’s Deadly Guns provide people with feeling of power AND POWER IS ADDICTIVE... Addicted To Bang: The Neuroscience of the Gun “If you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia, you get a population roughly the size of the United States, where, last year, there were 32,000 gun death. Those other countries, which all have a form of gun control, had a total of 112. In the wake of recent tragic events, there have been a raft of articles about new reasons for gun-control and the psychological make-up of mass murderers (See NYT or WSJ), but the authors of this piece (co-authored with neuroscientist James Olds) believe there’s a critical component missing from this discussion: the very addictive nature of firearms. There are a number of different ways to think about this issue, but a decent place to start is Steven