Detecting Conspiracy Theories on Social Media

Conspiracy Theories Have Much in Common. Their Differences May Hold the Key to Identifying When They Turn Violent.
Among the stories currently circulating in US-focused social media forums are ones suggesting that the 5G telecommunication network activates the virus, that the pandemic is a hoax perpetrated by a global cabal, that the virus is a bio-weapon released deliberately by the Chinese, or that Bill Gates is using it as cover to launch a broad vaccination program to facilitate a global surveillance regime. Social Media, Cognitive Reflection, and Conspiracy Beliefs Want to learn about abuse of the internet? Uncommon Yet Consequential Online Harms A discussion with authors from a special issue of the Journal of Online Trust & Safety a publication of the Stanford Internet Observatory. The Journal of Online Trust & Safety is an open access journal for cutting-edge trust and safety scholarship. Articles in this the issue include: Election Fraud, YouTube, and Public Perception of the Legitimacy of President Biden by James Bisbee, Megan A. Brown, Angela Lai, Richard Bonneau, Joshua A. Tucker, and Jonathan Nagler Predictors of Radical Intentions among Incels: A Survey of 54 Self-identified Incels by Sophia Moskalenko, Naama Kates, Juncal Fernández-Garayzábal González, and Mia Bloom Procedural Justice and Self Governance on Twitter: Unpacking the Experience of Rule Breaking on Twitter by Matthew Katsaros, Tom Tyler, Jisu Kim, and Tracey Meares Twitter’s Disputed Tags May Be Ineffective at Reducing Belief in Fake News and Only Reduce Intentions to Share Fake News Among Democrats and Independents by Jeffrey Lees, Abigail McCarter, and Dawn M. Sarno For more & to apply:
# Conspiracy Theories: A Public Health Concern and How to Address It # Belief in conspiracy theories: Basic principles of an emerging research domain.. # Speaking of Psychology: Why people believe in conspiracy theories, with Karen Douglas, PhD ## Mental health & conspiracy theories – is there a connection? # >People Drawn to Conspiracy Theories Share a Cluster of Psychological Features # LOW IQ AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES: A HAND IN GLOVE RELATIONSHIP # **Conspiracy theories are a mental health crisis** # No one's talking about the complex relationship between disinformation and mental health. That changes now. # Are conspiracy theorists psychotic? A comparison between conspiracy theories and paranoid delusions # Belief in conspiracy theories: The predictive role of schizotypy, Machiavellianism, and primary psychopathy. # Paranoia and Conspiracy Theories # Paranoia and conspiracy thinking # Why conspiracy theorists are not always paranoid: Conspiracy theories and paranoia form separate factors with distinct psychological predictors # Paranoia and conspiracy: group cohesion increases harmful intent attribution in the Trust Game # Conspiracy Theories Aren't Delusions PART 1: CONSPIRACY THEORIES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in Adults Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in adults is more common than you might think. People with this condition are always angry. They’re addicted to arguments, easily lose their temper, and experience problems within their family and social circle as well as at work. In fact, although this psychological condition tends to be more frequently associated with the child population, it’s also relatively common for it to continue into adulthood. As a matter of fact, it’s extremely common for a defiant child to develop an antisocial personality disorder over the years. However, a lack of temperamental control in maturity leads to somewhat more of a problematic psychological reality. Indeed, this kind of type of opposition to authority in adulthood borders on far more challenging and dangerous types of behavior. For this reason, it’s not a minor problem and the figures are worrying. In fact, it’s estimated that oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) affects between five percent and 15 percent of the school population. However, a good number of the cases aren’t diagnosed. Therefore, it’s extremely common for people to reach 20, 30, or 40 years of age exhibiting the kind of behavior that’s as adverse as it’s conflictive. What Does Oppositional Defiant Disorder Look Like in Adults? An adult with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) may feel mad at the world, and lose his temper regularly — even daily. This may manifest as road rage or verbal abuse. It may cause tension with authority figures, and trouble at work. It may tear apart relationships. Here is what you need to know about oppositional defiant disorder and its overlap with ADHD. What Is Conspiracy Theory Addiction? A conspiracy theory can be defined as the belief that a secret-but-influential organization or individual is responsible for a circumstance or event. People often think that these beliefs are rare or sometimes absurd, but research shows they may be more common than previously thought. A study found that about 50% of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories come in all forms, but most theories involve political and social events. Some examples include the belief that certain celebrities are immortal vampires and controversial topics such as the belief that a small group of people are planning to overthrow the government. Often, one theory will have accompanying and sometimes contradictory conspiracy theories which can be dangerous if not challenged. On the other hand, it can be noted that some conspiracy theories have been proven to be true. With the increased popularity of conspiracies and exposure to information, it is possible to harm one’s mental health and relationships by developing a conspiracy theory addiction. Conspiracy theory addiction is a behavioral addiction that can have a hidden impact on the way one perceives events and has been linked to having more negative attitudes. Rather than helping one cope with their negative feelings, the belief in conspiracy theories can create a cycle of distrust and disempowerment. As a person encounters different sources, it is important to be able to analyze the information and distinguish between false theories and real threats. People who strongly believe in conspiracy theories and become addicted may experience some of the following: Anxiety or fear for no particular reason. A perceived loss of control. A need to make sense of complex topics or unrelated events, even with little or no topical knowledge. Low self-esteem. A strong urge to make connections between a series of unrelated events or behaviors. A belief in paranormal explanations for scientific phenomenon. A sense of not belonging or isolation. A great alienation, disengagement, or disaffection from society If the presence of the above feelings and behaviors significantly impacts a person’s ability to function in their daily lives, that person may have a conspiracy theory addiction. Why Do People Believe In Conspiracy Theories? Conspiracy theories occur when people create links between one or more unrelated events, a process that emerges from the need for the human brain to find patterns. New research also shows that people with certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, are more likely to have a conspiracy theory addiction. Researchers have studied the different reasons why people believe in conspiracy theories, and many of the explanations include the following factors: A need for understanding and consistency. A need for control. A need to belong or feel special. Need For Understanding When a person experiences distress over uncertainty or witnesses a large-scale event, the mind will start to look for explanations that connect the dots. Those with lower analytical abilities and less tolerance for uncertainty are more likely to believe a conspiracy theory. This is because conspiracy theories can often provide explanations for events that seem confusing or frightening, and believers can assume that they are being intentionally deceived. People are also naturally inclined to search for information that confirms their existing beliefs; this is known as confirmation bias. The ability to easily share and spread information over the internet has increased belief in certain conspiracy theories. Someone with a conspiracy theory addiction may seek out information to support something they already think is true, rather than seek out new information or challenge their beliefs. A need for understanding and consistency can lead to addictive behaviors such as spending excessive time on the internet and ignoring relationships and responsibilities. Need For Control Conspiracy theory addiction can also be caused by the need to feel safe and in control. When the human mind feels threatened, identifying what is causing the danger can be a way to cope with anxiety. One study found that people are more likely to believe in conspiracies if they are feeling anxious. Another study found that people who feel psychologically and/or sociopolitically disempowered are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. People who have a conspiracy theory addiction may be drawn to the theories as a way of making sense of the world and feeling more in control. Researchers who have studied why people believe in conspiracy theories have found little evidence that believing in these theories actually helps reduce anxiety or satisfy the need to feel in control. People who have a conspiracy theory addiction are less likely to engage in actions that could improve their autonomy and sense of control. The long-term effects of conspiracy theory addiction may leave people feeling more disempowered and anxious than before. Need To Belong Conspiracy theory addiction can also form as a defense mechanism, especially in those who feel alienation and disaffection from society. Typically those with a strong belief in conspiracies have a distrust in authority, lower self-esteem, lower levels of interpersonal trust, and feel that they are the “heroes” in the story — while those who are conspiring against them are the “enemy.” As modern society becomes more complex and information is more easily spread, some people feel left behind in trying to keep up. When a person feels disadvantaged, they will often find ways to boost their own self-perceptions. Risks Conspiracy theory addiction can have long-term negative effects on an individual. Although belief in conspiracies is often motivated by the need to understand, be in control, and feel socially connected, these aren’t the results that are being gained. In fact, some studies have shown that believing in conspiracies can reinforce feelings of confusion, isolation, and loneliness. The cycle of addiction becomes destructive as negative feelings contribute to the belief in conspiracies and the belief in conspiracies results in negative feelings. Conspiracy theory addiction not only causes a cycle of distrust, but it discourages people from participating in their social worlds. Someone who lacks a sense of control may stop viewing themselves as a valuable contributor to society. Overcoming Conspiracy Theory Addiction An issue often faced when trying to disprove conspiracy theories is that people who believe in them also tend to suspect that others are involved in covering up the “truth.” People will often try to argue or ridicule those who believe in conspiracies, but this behavior often results in deepening the person’s commitment to their beliefs. Although certain factors that contribute to belief cannot be easily or quickly changed, researchers have found that promoting messages of self-control and empowerment can reduce conspiratorial thinking. In one study, researchers found effectiveness in encouraging believers to pursue their goals using the “promotion-focused” approach. Those who are promotion-focused are less likely to believe in conspiracies and more likely to believe they have the power to control their future. Someone who has a conspiracy theory addiction may want to seek help from a counselor who can help them work toward personal goals and increasing a sense of personal empowerment. Creating an action-oriented mindset can help discourage belief in conspiracies and encourage self-responsibility and control. Conspiracy theory addiction can cause long-term psychological and social harm to an individual. Therapy that centers on personal goals and strategies to achieve these goals can have a powerful impact on improving a sense of control and empowerment. If you’re interested in treatment for conspiracy theory addiction, contact a therapist today.


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