
Showing posts from September, 2022

'Hell is an understatement:' University instructor details defamation case against daughter of former MPP

2022: Chelsea Hillier has court today for a decision on the contempt motion against her and possible sentencing hearing. Stay tuned for updates later today. Background: The daughter of Randy Hillier, the controversial former MPP who has protested against COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, has been ordered to pay a Carleton University Instructor close to $100,000 in damages for defamation. The judge called her tweets a malicious campaign to bully the instructor with false accusations. In an exclusive one-on-one interview, Esther Post told CityNews about the defamation case she filed against Chelsea Hillier and won. But the fight still isn’t over yet. “It’s been causing me a lot of anxiety, a lot of stress, lots of tears,” Post shared. “I was a mess. I truly was not functioning for several days I was sobbing, crying. I was having constant panic attacks because it was relentless.” Post has been an English instructor at Carleton University since 2003. She met Hillier in 2008 and tau

Detecting Conspiracy Theories on Social Media

Conspiracy Theories Have Much in Common. Their Differences May Hold the Key to Identifying When They Turn Violent. Among the stories currently circulating in US-focused social media forums are ones suggesting that the 5G telecommunication network activates the virus, that the pandemic is a hoax perpetrated by a global cabal, that the virus is a bio-weapon released deliberately by the Chinese, or that Bill Gates is using it as cover to launch a broad vaccination program to facilitate a global surveillance regime. Social Media, Cognitive Reflection, and Conspiracy Beliefs Want to learn about abuse of the internet? Uncommon Yet Consequenti

Steve Bannon contacted Jeffrey Epstein over worries he would flip on Trump

Steve Bannon Was Reportedly Very Worried That Jeffrey Epstein Would Reveal Damning Things About Trump During His First Presidential Run When Jeffrey Epstein mysteriously died in 2019, he took a lot of secrets with him involving the notorious and the semi-beloved alike. The disgraced financier was friendly with Bill Clinton, and he was chummy with another president, Donald J. Trump. As per a new report by Insider, when the latter was in the midst of his first presidential run in 2016, one of his closest advisers was reportedly very worried he’d spill some very nasty beans indeed. Bannon is also a Jeffrey Epstein buddy who, according to several reports, visited Epstein’s houses on multiple continents, and spent hours prepping Epstein for a 60 Minutes interview that never happened. When Epstein invited a reporter to dinner it was with Bannon. Watch Jeffrey Epstein Tell Steve Bannon He's A 'Firm Belie

How Trees Can Help Cool Urban Heat Islands

How Trees Can Help Cool Urban Heat Islands Nowhere is this heat felt more than in cities. Heat is amplified in “urban heat islands” where roads, pavement and buildings absorb and retain heat, and then release it back into the air, well into the night. Some urban neighborhoods can have mid-afternoon temperatures that are 15°F to 20°F hotter than nearby tree-lined communities or rural areas. Trees can save lives Planting trees is one of the most effective strategies to protect people from heat in cities, especially in low-income neighborhoods that have fewer shade trees and higher temperatures than wealthier neighborhoods with tree-lined streets. Trees can lower the air temperature in city neighborhoods by 10 degrees. The less the pavement is exposed to the sun, the less it will absorb its energy. Trees not only provide shade, their leaves release moisture to cool the environment. This reduces the demand for air conditioning, helping to avoid power failures during heat waves

There are millions of orphaned gas and oil wells leaking methane in the U.S. and around the globe

There are millions of orphaned gas and oil wells leaking methane in the U.S. and around the globe millions more — plugging them will cost billions The earliest known oil wells were drilled in China in AD 347 or earlier. They had depths of up to about 800 feet (240 m) and were drilled using bits attached to bamboo poles. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt. By the 10th century, extensive bamboo pipelines connected oil wells with salt springs. 2021: Biden’s budget proposal calls for more than $36 billion to fight climate change. Senate approves Inflation Reduction Act The World's Worst Oil Related Disaster You've Never Heard Of The first U.S. oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania more than 150 years ago. Millions more followed, dotting the country from Southern California to Texas, Ok