The "Eye of the Sahara"

On the show Ancient Aliens any and every possible sign or piece of evidence of advanced technology in the past is attributed to aliens but to me all those signs lead to an ancient human past hundreds of millions of years old.

If you're willing to believe intelligent alien life is coming here from a far distant star could it really be so hard to imagine or difficult to believe humanity is much much older and was once much more advanced than we are today - and maybe somewhere, they still are.

Warning: This is a really deep rabbit hole and is full of wild and crazy speculation, hypotheticals, what if and why nots.. This is the mother of all rabbit holes..

Could sufficiently advanced ancient humans be mistaken for godlike aliens?

Could all the ancient cities and megalithic sites around the world really be what's left of Atlantis, a global technologically advanced civilization and we're not seeing the forest through the trees?

What if technologically advanced global human civilization capable of going to the stars has already faced a doomsday event in the far distant past and did all the things we would do today?

Could they have colonized other moons and planets or built undergrounds shelters millions of years ago..? Could our own moon have been brought here to be their lifeboat?

Could they have sent messages to the stars thousands or millions of years ago?

Warning: Contains some information mainstream science considers historically accurate and factual... 😉


When Plato pointed to where Atlantis was he had no reason to think Atlantis might have been a global civilization and no way to know that there were pyramids, megaliths and unbelievable examples of not just similar stone working technology scattered around the globe, the same technology and Plato didn't know about the one thing that ties all those places and peoples together, Pangea.

The bit Plato knew about, the bit he called Atlantis was just was the last living, last surviving fragment of what had been, before it to was gone.

Are we all the descendants, survivors and heirs of Atlantis?

But now, to fire up your imagination: How to find where your home would have been on Pangea/Atlantis. To step through time, or to the opposite part of the globe by following the link.

This Map Lets You Plug in Your Address to See How It’s Changed Over the Past 750 Million Years

The interactive tool enables users to home in on a specific location and visualize how it has evolved between the Cryogenian Period and the present

Some 240 million years ago, the patch of land that would one day become the National Mall was part of an enormous supercontinent known as Pangea. Encompassing nearly all of Earth’s extant land mass, Pangea bore little resemblance to our contemporary planet. Thanks to a recently released interactive map, however, interested parties can now superimpose the political boundaries of today onto the geographic formations of yesteryear—at least dating back to 750 million years ago.

What Humans Will Look Like In 300,000,000 Years?

There will eventually be a day where prosthetics are no longer just for the disabled. However, it’s not just our outside appearance that will change – our genes will also evolve on microscopic levels to aid our survival.

For example, an Oxford-led study discovered a group of HIV-infected children in South Africa living healthy lives. It turns out, they have a built-in defense against HIV that prevents the virus from advancing to AIDS.

And with gene-editing tools like CRISPR, we may eventually control our genes and DNA to the point where we make ourselves immune to disease and even reverse the effects of aging.

Whatever happens in the next 1,000 years — whether we merge with machines or become them — one thing is certain: The human race is always changing — and the faster we change and branch out from Earth, the better chance we have of outrunning extinction.

Humans have changed dramatically in our 200,000 years of existence. We've gotten taller, we live longer, and we're smarter. We've built giant cities, domesticated animals and plants, and created and destroyed ecosystem.

And the technology we build is progressing at a blistering pace. And that pace keeps picking up.

Human mutation rate revealed.

Every time human DNA is passed from one generation to the next it accumulates 100–200 new mutations, according to a DNA-sequencing analysis of the Y chromosome.

Richat Structure: Ancient city or not?

The "Eye of the Sahara"

Edgar Cayce talked about a device the Atlanteans tested by aiming it at the ground and that's what lead to their destruction.. I think the eye might be where that test happened considering it's differences from natural formations and every other ancient city's construction ..

Earth's Core Spins Faster than Earth

The motion of the Earth's inner core had never been detected before two seismologists decided to investigate an unproven theory. They discovered that the fast-spinning inner core makes a complete revolution inside the Earth in about 400 years.

The effect of the differential rotation of the earth inner core on the free core nutation

If we could reverse the rotation of earth's crust and inner layers is there a point in the past where the Richat Structure and Hawaiian hotspot lineup?

Then looking at the Richat Structure it occurred to me if you believe in the Cayce readings it the might be where that test took place.. Then for whatever reason it occurred to me to wonder if the Richat Structure and Hawaii might be on the same line of latitude and surprise, they're pretty close, then I remembered Cayce saying something about the layers of the earth rotating at slightly different rates.. If so could Hawaii's volcanic activity be where the test happened on an inner layer of the earth?

Richat Structure/Coordinates 21.1269° N, 11.4016° W Hawaii/Coordinates 19.8968° N, 155.5828° W

Richat Structure/Coordinates 21.1269° N, 11.4016° W Hawaii/Coordinates 19.8968° N, 155.5828° W

Bermuda Triangle/Coordinates 25.0000° N, 71.0000° W
Devil's Sea/Coordinates 25.0010° N, 136.9987° E
(see more below)

The Earth’s outer crust is made up of a series of tectonic plates that move over the surface of the planet. In areas where the plates come together, sometimes volcanoes will form. Volcanoes can also form in the middle of a plate, where magma rises upward until it erupts on the seafloor, at what is called a “hot spot.”

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by such a hot spot occurring in the middle of the Pacific Plate. While the hot spot itself is fixed, the plate is moving. So, as the plate moved over the hot spot, the string of islands that make up the Hawaiian Island chain were formed.

Core Spins Faster Than Earth, Lamont Scientists Find.

SCIENTISTS at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory have found that the Earth's inner core is rotating faster than the planet itself.

The motion of the inner core has never before been detected or measured. The finding, reported July 18 in the journal Nature, will likely advance understanding of how the Earth's magnetic field is created and why it reverses periodically; how heat flows through the planet, and how the Earth's multi-layered interior has evolved.

When Continental Drift Was Considered Pseudoscience.

More than 100 years ago, a German scientist was ridiculed for advancing the shocking idea that the continents were adrift.

In the early 20th century, one man withstood a lifetime of ridicule to uphold the revolutionary idea that land masses move.

Atlantis, also spelled Atalantis or Atlantica, a legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean, said to be lying west of the Strait of Gibraltar. The principal sources for the legend are two of Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. Mar. 14, 2021..

What would Plato have though had he known about Pangea, continental drift theory or even the expanding earth theory?

Or had the opportunity to see the earth from space?

So, who's ready to play the imagination game and just have some fun with an idea and the possibilities it's presents?

Just for fun try lining up all the megalithic sites and sunken cities and put them where they would have been on Pangea - then let go of all your preconceived ideas.


How to find your home or anything else on Pangea. Step through time, or to the opposite part of the globe

From about 280-230 million years ago (Late Paleozoic Era until the Late Triassic), the continent we now know as North America was continuous with Africa, South America, and Europe. They all existed as a single continent called Pangea.

In geologic time 280 millions years is basically overnight..

What would the climate zones of Pangea be?

Is there a map of expected biome locations across Pangea?

When will it be too hot for modern humans?

Climate Model Links Warmer Temperatures to Permian Extinction

Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo., have created a computer simulation showing Earth's climate in unprecedented detail at the time of the greatest mass extinction in history.

The work gives support to a theory that an abrupt and dramatic rise in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide triggered the massive die-off 251 million years ago. The research appears in the Sept. issue of the journal Geology.

"The results demonstrate how rapidly rising temperatures in the atmosphere can affect ocean circulation, cutting off oxygen to lower depths and extinguishing most life," says NCAR scientist and lead author, Jeffrey Kiehl.

Kiehl and co-author Christine Shields focused on the dramatic events at the end of the Permian Era, when an estimated 90 to 95 percent of all marine species, as well as about 70 percent of all terrestrial species, became extinct.

Theory of Continental Drift.

If you take a look at a map of the earth today, you will see the current locations of broken land masses that constitute the earth. However, would you believe if someone told you that these broken land masses were once connected to each other as one huge supercontinent? Well, this claim was made in the 90’s by Alfred Wegener, a German polar researcher, meteorologist and geophysicist who died in 1930.

I have always found maps of the motions of Earth's continents fascinating, so it is really cool to see some gorgeous new reconstructions of what Earth would have looked like to spaceborne observers over the last 750 million years. They've been published as part of the Visible Paleo-Earth project, which is combining current imagery of Earth's land and cloud cover with geologists' reconstructions of both the extent and the climate of past continental landmasses. They look a lot like the "Blue Marble" simulated images of Earth that are so popular on the Web, but the configurations of the continents are decidedly different, making the globes look both familiar and alien.


Most eight graders know more about the world and science than Plato did and he didn't see Atlantis first hand and remember his work was only as good as his source materials..

Evidence of ancient city found in depths off Cuba...

If Atlantis was a global civilization couldn't this sunken city off the coast of Cuba be their capital city? Perhaps the last bit of their civilization to die sliding into the sea..

Put it where it would have been on the Pangea map before continental drift pulled it apart ..

How to find your home or anything else on Pangea. Step through time, or to the opposite part of the globe

Were the pyramids build by separate peoples on different continents or by one people on one super continent perhaps hundreds of millions of years ago?

Try drawing a line from the Strait of Gibraltar to Cuba..

WORLD MAP TODAY:,-71.9950941,3z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0xd0c783f855756a3:0x3b8e765257dcb875!8m2!3d35.9982398!4d-5.6878736

The Legend of the Pillars of Hercules.

The Greeks Intervene

Around 600 BC an ancient Greek poet called Peisander wrote of the twelve labours of the Greek mythical hero Hercules. The tenth task was to steal the cattle of the giant Geryon who lived on an island called Erytheia in the mythical Hesperides in the far west of the Mediterranean. The more literal Greeks interpreted Hesperides as being the land of the Tartessos in the area of present-day Huelva and Cádiz. Another Greek poet, one hundred years after Peisander, called the westernmost point of Hercules’ journey, ‘the gates of Gades’, probably a reference to the Phoenician trading post at present-day Cádiz. The tales initiated a cult following. Young men set off to emulate Hercules and, incidentally, become competitors for the trade west of the Straits, probably the desired result of the author, nothing if not canny those Greeks.

First Mention of The Pillars of Hercules

It was not until the Greek philosopher Plato wrote of Atlantis around 400 BC that the term ‘Pillars of Hercules’ was first mentioned. He placed Atlantis to the west of the pillars, but even so their exact geographical position had not been precisely determined.

The Romans Re-Invent the Myth

Along came the Romans. They adapted the original Greek poem by Peisander and the pillars become fixed. According to Roman mythology, during his journey, Hercules had to cross the Atlas Mountains. Rather than climb them, Hercules stamped his foot creating the Straits and a channel between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. They then fixed the two pillars as Calpe (Gibraltar) and Mons Abila (present-day Monte Hacho, a rather insignificant hill overlooking Ceuta). Later scholars decided that the much more imposing Jebel Musa was more likely to be the southern pillar. The argument, which is the southern pillar of Hercules, continues to this day.

How long have we really been here?

Try asking yourself what if Pangea was Atlantis and the whole story has been extremely messed with deliberately over time - and all the megalithic sites around the globe are what's left of Atlantis, the traces, the evidence.

Can you see the forest through the trees?

List of destroyed libraries

Human action
Name of Library City Date of Destruction
Xianyang Palace and State Archives Xianyang 206 BC
Library of Alexandria Alexandria Disputed
Imperial library of Luoyang Luoyang 189 AD
Library of Antioch Antioch 364 AD
58 more rows

The baffling Piri Reis Map of 1513: It showed Antarctica centuries before discovery, but without its ice cap.

This simple piece of preserved gazelle skin has been the basis of intense controversy in the world of cartography. For one thing, the map appears to show Antarctica almost 300 years before it was discovered. Not only does it show Antarctica, but the continent is drawn as a land mass as it would have appeared before it was covered with its ice cap over 6,000 years ago.

Taking a creative writer's approach referencing all kinds of sources for ideas ..

Imagine Atlantis as a highly technologically advanced global civilization on one super continent who's science took a right turn where ours took a wrong turn.. Imagine a civilization that had lasted through tens of thousands of years of wars, floods, geologic disasters and ice slowly dissolving over time.

Continues below:

Why Nikola Tesla was obsessed with the Egyptian pyramids

The inventor Nikola Tesla's esoteric beliefs included unusual theories about the Egyptian pyramids.

In 1905, Tesla filed a patent in the U.S. titled "The art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural medium," outlining designs for a series of generators around the world which would tap the ionosphere for energy collections. He saw planet Earth itself, with its two poles, as a giant electrical generator of limitless energy. His triangle-shaped design became known as Tesla's electromagnetic pyramid.

Nikola Tesla and his work in wireless energy and power transfer


But what might they have achieved at their pinnacle.. Could Atlanteans have searched, sent signals and sent probes or manned vehicles out into the galaxy (could their signals have been answered?)

Could that be what's been returning and allegedly being recovered as alien objects and hidden away or seen looking for something or someone long gone.

Where have UFOs crashed in Pennsylvania (reportedly)?
Posted Jan 06, 2021.

Like the UFO-crash sighting in Hawaii in late December, UFO crashes have been reported in Pennsylvania over the years.

The Pennsylvania reports were not nearly as recent as just a few days ago, but they did involve multiple witnesses.

On the night of December 9, 1965, a large fireball was seen by thousands of people in at least 6 U.S. states and Ontario, Canada. Reported as a meteor by the media, witnesses claimed something crashed into the woods at Kecksburg, a tiny village 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

If Edgar Cayce hadn't talked about or made predictions about Atlantis what might archeologists have made of all the discoveries we've made over the last 100 years instead of digging their heels against the idea and the evidence that remains unexplained or unexplainable in their version of world history.. Primitive people from cave dwellers to hunter gathers with no education separated by oceans and oceans of time have all apparently independently discovered ways to carve and move massive blocks of stone, so why can't we?

Has our science taken a wrong turn and missed something fundamental..

What Happened to the Sunken City of Cuba?

Is There a Lost Continent Beneath Japan?

6 Lost cities found underwater around the world,surface%20of%20modern%2Dday%20Dwarka.

Most of us remember learning about Pangea in elementary school from which all our modern-day continents originally broke off and the stories of lost continent of Atlantis breaking apart and sinking sea almost overnight in geologic time.. Well, this amazing map shows us where to look for signs of Atlantis and it's possibly much older story..

Plate Tectonics - Pangaea Continent Maps.

Plate tectonics is the study of the lithosphere, the outer portion of the Earth consisting of the crust and part of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is divided into about a dozen large plates which move and interact with one another to create earthquakes, mountain ranges, volcanic activity, ocean trenches and many other features. Continents and ocean basins are moved and changed in shape as a result of these plate movements.

The sequence of maps on this page shows how a large supercontinent known as Pangaea was fragmented into several pieces, each being part of a mobile plate of the lithosphere. These pieces were to become Earth's current continents. The time sequence shown through the maps traces the paths of the continents to their current positions.

Spotting a Supercontinent: How Pangea Was Discovered

The Expanding Earth.

The prevailing geological model of the early 19th century was characterized by an almost static earth, maybe slowly cooling and shrinking, until the molten interior would eventually be completely frozen and solidified.

We’ve Been Wrong Before: The Expanding Earth Theory.

Did the continents spread apart because the planet itself is expanding? No, but a lot of good scientists used to think so.

This Map Shows What the World Would Look Like if Atlantis Still Existed..

Could The Imperial Palace In Japan Sit On An Older Ancient Megalithic Base

The Mobile Megalithic Portal


Lemuria: The Fabled Lost Continent That Turned Out To Be Real — Almost

For decades, scientists offered wild theories about the fabled lost continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean. Then, in 2013, scientists actually found some evidence.

A Geologist s Dream: The Lost Continent of Lemuria

The missing continent it took 375 years to find.

New maps reveal details about the size and shape of Earth's lost 8th continent, Zealandia, which disappeared under the Pacific Ocean

Scientists confirmed the existence of an eighth continent, called Zealandia, under New Zealand and the surrounding ocean in 2017.
Because 94% of Zealandia's 2 million square miles are underwater, mapping the continent is challenging.

Researchers just released maps that show Zealandia in unprecedented detail, revealing its shape and how it was formed millions of years ago.

About 3,500 feet under the south Pacific waves sits a lost eighth continent.

Scientists confirmed that the submerged land mass, named Zealandia, was its own continent in 2017. But they hadn't been able to map its full breadth until now.,mapping%20the%20continent%20is%20challenging.

Exploring Norse Mythology: The Jotnar ("Frost Giants")

Megalithic Madness – Shoria or not Shoria? Russian Giants

Megaliths in Russia: Сoordinates: 52.838447, 87.937088

Unknown Civilization: Mouth Shoria megaliths

A mysterious discovery was made a few months ago that could turn the theory of ancient engineering upside down.

An ancient “super-megalithic” site has been found in the Siberian Mountains on accident by Russian explorer Georgy Sidorov . Found recently in Gornaya Shoria (Mount Shoria) in southern Siberia, this site consists of huge blocks of stone, which appear to be granite, with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners.

Some of these gigantic granite stones are estimated to weigh more than 3,000 tons, and as you will see below, many of them were cut “with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners”.

How the Ancient Land Blob Gondwana Became Today's Continents.

Sometimes good science can happen by just looking at a map of the world and letting your mind wander. For instance, observe how Africa and South America seem to have been very recently cuddled together, even though there are currently a couple thousand miles of ocean between them. Similarly, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to see that Madagascar fits perfectly into a little nick in the eastern edge of Africa, or that the Middle East seems to be pulling away from the top of Africa, like a corner being pulled off a hot cookie. With a reasonably good representation of the shape and arrangement of the world's continents in front of them, a third-grader could easily assess that the Earth's land masses have definitely been sneaking around.

The answer to the mystery, in case you were wondering, is Gondwanaland, also known as Gondwana.

"The idea of Gondwana — the agglomeration of the southern continents — arose first from a rather simple observation of the excellent jigsaw fit between South America and Africa and the similarities between flora and fauna across the continents that make up Gondwana," says Joseph Meert, a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Florida, in an email interview.

Gondwana was an idea long before anybody figured out how or why it worked — the secret, of course, being plate tectonics, an idea that didn't really start gaining steam until the mid-20th century. But a 19th-century Austrian geologist named Eduard Seuss put a name to the concept of the supercontinent in his book "The Face of the Earth," the first volume of which was published in 1883. Seuss didn't come up with many completely novel ideas, but he did a great job of synthesizing a bunch of the research of the day to conclude that the southern continents and landmasses we now know as South America, Africa, Arabia, India, Sri Lanka and Madagascar (Australia and Antarctica would be added to the theory 30 years later), had at one point in time been connected because (1.) well, just look at them and (2.) they contained the same rocks and the same fossils from an extinct, feathery-leafed tree called Glossopteris.

Even though we now know a lot about the mechanism by which Gondwana was formed, it's extremely complicated — there's at least one peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the study of the supercontinent. However, here's what we're pretty certain of:

Gondwana Wasn't Built In a Day.

The making of Gondwana was a long process, most likely through three major mountain building events driven by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates.

"During the interval from about 650 to 550 million years ago, various pieces of Africa and South America collided along an ancient mountain chain called the Brasiliano Belt," says Meert. "Slightly older, but overlapping with the Brasiliano — 750 to 650 million years ago — is the East African Orogen, or Mozambique Belt that resulted from the collision between East Africa and Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka and part of East Antarctica. The final collision was along the Kuunga Orogen between all those assembled pieces and the rest of Antarctica and Australia between 580 and 530 million years ago."

So, it was a couple hundred million years of extremely slow continental car wrecks that created this beta version of Gondwana — later, about 300 million years ago, other land masses would join forces with it to form the giant ball of land we now know as Pangea.

But one continent to rule them all couldn't last, and sometime between 280 and 200 million years ago, Pangea started disintegrating as magma began pushing up from beneath the mega-supercontinent, creating rifts in the land that would later become sea floor. As Pangea cracked, the top part was pushed to the north, creating the continent called Laurasia, and Gondwana headed south, and eventually divided into the continents we know and love today.

Life On Gondwana.

When Gondwana was just a baby supercontinent between 550 and 485 million years ago, it hosted some of the very first complex life forms like trilobites and brachiopods. But since it continued to exist into the Jurassic Period, lots of plant and animal evolution went down there.

Reconstruction of Gondwana supercontinent with simplified outlines of principal basins during the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian (Glacial episodes II and III of López-Gamundí 1997). Modified from López-Gamundí & Buatois (2010).

Gondwana ( /ɡɒndˈwɑːnə/) or Gondwanaland was a supercontinent that existed from the Neoproterozoic (about 550 million years ago) and began to break up during the Jurassic (about 180 million years ago), with the opening of the Drake Passage, separating South America and Antarctica occurring during the Eocene.

You know, not that my opinion means anything but I can't help wondering if the "big pyramids" are older and were there before the Egyptians showed up - and the Egyptians tried to copy them. Starting small and working their way up until it all fell in on them.. It would explain all the evidence of them building the pyramids and the mistake in thinking the Egyptians did build them though I think that evidence of that construction is just an indictor of when the Egyptians showed up on the scene..

Edgar Cayce I believe predicted there was still a lost city under that sand.. Maybe it's what's under the Pyramids at Giza and there is a conspiracy of concealment..

What if immortality didn't mean not aging anymore? What if it meant aging forever.. Evolving forever.. What would a human look like in a thousand or ten thousand years?

Reagan’s 1987 UN speech on ‘alien threat’ resonates now.

2021: Unprecedented Public Report On UFOs Requested From Senate Intel Committee: Lawmakers want to know what data exists, how it's shared, what threats these craft might pose, and if an adversary has new breakthrough tech.

Former director of national intelligence says upcoming Pentagon UFO report reveals technology ‘we don’t have’

Military and spy agencies accused of stiff-arming investigators on UFO sightings

A public accounting is proving to be an "onerous job of trying get everyone to come clean," one government adviser said.

UFO report might miss deadline according to Senator Rubio..

US intelligence agencies had 180 days to share what they know about UFOs, thanks to the Covid-19 relief and spending bill

On Sept. 21, 1987, then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan gave an address to the United Nations General Assembly. In an often-quoted section of his speech, Reagan asked rhetorical questions and commented about the nations and cultures of the world uniting in common efforts to live in peace and avoid wars and bloodshed.

“Cannot swords be turned to plowshares? Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity,” Reagan said.

“Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond,” Reagan proposed.

“I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?”

In these statements, Reagan seems to be noting that in addition to the diverse cultures and societies around the world, we should also keep in mind the larger human culture. And despite conflicts and wars throughout human history to the present day, this larger human culture has many unifying elements.


Among these are the major accomplishments of humanity, including the survival of our human species on this planet over hundreds of thousands of years. The development of agriculture, language, education, art, music and technology are common to most human cultures.

Reagan urged us to see the big picture – “how much unites all the members of humanity.” He warned us to take the long view instead of “our obsession with antagonisms of the moment.”

Of course, the nations of the world already engage in significant cooperation on many levels. These include efforts to improve trade and economic prosperity, share cultural resources and viewpoints, protect global public heath, and respond to disasters and humanitarian challenges.

Yet, there is room for significant improvement in how nations and cultures interact, and how individual humans treat one another.

These conflicts, of course, are not just between countries and cultures. Within the many nations and cultures on Earth, we often see internal conflict and strife when people within a society are divided and angry about real or perceived injustice, oppression, ethnic and religious differences or some other cause.

In his address, Reagan theorized that these many sources of discord and conflict around the world “would [quickly] vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” And, he put forth the idea that, “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.”

Was Reagan correct? Would certain adverse developments help bring the human race together? Would the human race unify in the face of a devastating impending meteor strike, severe global disease pandemic, worldwide natural disaster or other threat?


Reagan appeared to hold an optimistic view of humanity. He seemed to indicate that he felt the human race would pull together in greater unity in the face of a larger danger. As a result, a greater awareness about what we have in common as humans would help us overcome the perpetual wars, death and destruction that have been a large part of the experience of the human race on Earth.

Implicit in his speech, the former president told us that we have the potential to transcend these destructive behaviors and seize opportunities to focus on unifying instincts, developments and events.

Would it really require “an alien threat from outside this world” for the people of Earth to make significant progress toward peace and prosperity instead of perpetual conflict?

Or, might we stumble on this truth without an impending disaster? Can we reach a tipping point when it becomes evident and obvious that our “universal aspirations” are more important and fundamental than war and destructive competition?

Instead of “an alien threat,” what if a positive kind of development emerged? Such a development could include scientific discovery of a remarkable nature or a change in global human psychology and consciousness.

Instead of Reagan’s concept of an “outside, universal threat,” what might happen if there was an inside, universal breakthrough that takes the human race on to the next levels of our development?

Hammons is the author of the novel "Mission Into Light" and the sequel "Light's Hand." The novels follow the adventures and discoveries of members of a small, San Diego-based U.S. defense/intelligence research and operations team, the Joint Reconnaissance Study Group, as they explore fascinating mysteries affecting the human race and planet Earth.

How do primitive people with limited education and knowledge all through history separated by oceans independently learn to cut, move and build the same structures when we today can't do it..

We were once one people with a global culture.. Welcome to Pangea formerly known as Atlantis... ;)

Since I don't want to do the math - I wonder how many years to resurface the entire earth if the rate of new ocean crust formation remains constant and consistent?

Oceanic crust is constantly formed at mid-ocean ridges, where tectonic plates are tearing apart from each other. As magma that wells up from these rifts in Earth's surface cools, it becomes young oceanic crust.

New crust is continually being pushed away from divergent boundaries (where sea-floor spreading occurs), increasing Earth's surface. But the Earth isn't getting any bigger. ... Deep below the Earth's surface, subduction causes partial melting of both the ocean crust and mantle as they slide past one another.

These plates lie on top of a partially molten layer of rock called the asthenosphere. Due to the convection of the asthenosphere and lithosphere, the plates move relative to each other at different rates, from two to 15 centimeters (one to six inches) per year .Jun. 10, 2020

24,901 miles times 63360 inches equals 1 577 727 360 total inches divided by 2 equals 788 863 680 total years..

And if I remember right (some coral) can grow about a thousand feet in thickness a thousand feet per ten thousand years.

2020: Lidar helps uncover an ancient, kilometer-long Mayan structure

Lidar is fast becoming one of the most influential tools in archaeology, revealing things in a few hours that might have taken months of machete wielding and manual measurements otherwise. The latest such discovery is an enormous Mayan structure, more than a kilometer long, 3,000 years old and seemingly used for astronomical observations.

Takeshi Inomata of the University of Arizona is the lead author of the paper describing the monumental artificial plateau, published in the journal Nature. This unprecedented structure — by far the largest and oldest of its type — may remind you of another such discovery, the “Mayan megalopolis” found in Guatemala two years ago.

Exclusive: Laser Scans Reveal Maya "Megalopolis" Below Guatemalan Jungle

A vast, interconnected network of ancient cities was home to millions more people than previously thought.

LiDAR Reveals the True Extent of the Mayan Civilization


It’s surprising how quickly nature can reclaim the earth, particularly in the jungles and rainforests of the Earth’s middle latitudes. In those areas we have often been limited to exploring the ruins of past civilizations that are only obvious by their size; they stick up.

Occasionally Archeologists have been lucky enough to discover a few artifacts such as pottery shards or tools that would lead them to dig a little deeper. Many early American inhabitants lived in caves or other natural shelters as they migrated down the North American continent and into Central America. The caves and outcroppings would preserve what was left behind and subsequent visitors would deposit layer after layer of debris; all conveniently left behind for us to dig up. However, in Central America and northern South America, nature reclaims its own.

In the past, Archeologists would map out a grid over a promising area surrounding something that “stuck up” and go in search of other artifacts or structures that might shed light on the what had happened there. Sometimes they would get lucky. Many times, the forest was just too dense and further exploration would do too much harm without any promise of success. So, studies often stopped before too much damage was done to the environment. Even if something significant was found the dig often ended early to preserve the forest.

More recently, new methods have revealed that we have a lot to learn about past human activities in Central and South America. In many areas the tropical rain forest has reclaimed the land and covered over thousands of square miles of roads, canals, and buildings.

Scientists are now using a system called LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to reveal a much larger, more complex, and interconnected pre-Columbian civilization than specialists in Mayan history had ever imagined.

LiDAR uses pulses of laser light to map an area. It measures the time it takes for the pulses to reflect off an object and return. It uses this information in combination with signal wavelength to make a 3-D image of the target. The term LiDAR is an acronym for light detection and ranging. Originally developed for the military It is now used across a range of sciences including geography, geology, seismology, oceanography, and archaeology, to name a few.

LiDARs can be built using infrared to ultraviolet light lasers. The application determines which light source is used. They can scan through forests, jungles, sand, and water. A LiDAR using a green laser can even be used to map some parts of the ocean floor; revealing lost ships or coastal cities now sunken beneath the waves. The LiDAR laser beam is scanned at many different angles over an area from the air; while a plane or helicopter flies a grid pattern over a location. The strength and time delay of the reflected signal are recorded and combined with precision GPS position data to create a 3D image of the area. Lasers can penetrate all the way to the floor of the forest through the smallest of openings in the vegetation and can even pass through some of the vegetation, reflecting back to the LiDAR source.

The 3D maps reveal the basic geometrical shapes of buildings, roads, canals, and plazas. Even after LiDAR reveals a structure, it may be so hidden that it might not be visible standing right next to it, particularly in the dense foliage of the rain forest. Recently LiDAR mapping has found that the Mayan civilization was much larger that any one previously thought.

In the past Archeologists estimated a population of 5 million people at the height of the Mayan civilization. They now believe the population could have been as high as 15 million people spread out over an 800 square mile or larger region. The area is covered by roads, causeways, complex irrigation systems, canals, dikes, and reservoirs.

Over 50,000 pre-Columbian structures have been mapped. Surprisingly there were also many defensive structures including wall, ramparts, terraces and fortresses, indicating that the Mayan were concerned with warfare over a much longer period of time than previously thought. Who were they fighting? The PACUNAM LiDAR Initiative is a three-year project that is using LIDAR to map 5,000 square miles of Guatemala’s lowlands. We have a lot to learn about the pre-Columbian world of the Mayan.

LIDAR is being used around the world to reveal human activity where there has never been any hint of civilization before. For instance, it turns out that Angor Wat was the center of a vast civilization, much larger than ever suspected.

Do you want to learn more? Go to

Angor Wat LiDAR image
There you can read about Lost African Cities, the 2,000-year-old Dwellings of Iron Age Hill Fort, Angkor Wat, the largest ancient city of ancient times, and many other wonders revealed by LIDAR.

By Timothy Shively, February 21, 2019

Food For Thought.

How far would have the Mayan civilization have gone if they had had large draft animals? Remember that at the time of the Mayan everything had to be done by manpower.

'Game Changer': Maya Cities Unearthed In Guatemala Forest Using Lasers

By raining down laser pulses on some 770 square miles of dense forest in northern Guatemala, archaeologists have discovered 60,000 Maya structures that make up full sprawling cities.

And the new technology provides them with an unprecedented view into how the ancient civilization worked, revealing almost industrial agricultural infrastructure and new insights into Maya warfare.

"This is a game changer," says Thomas Garrison, an archaeologist at Ithaca College who is one of the leaders of the project. It changes "the base level at which we do Maya archaeology."

Sprawling Maya network discovered under Guatemala jungle

Researchers have found more than 60,000 hidden Maya ruins in Guatemala in a major archaeological breakthrough.

Laser technology was used to survey digitally beneath the forest canopy, revealing houses, palaces, elevated highways, and defensive fortifications.

The landscape, near already-known Maya cities, is thought to have been home to millions more people than other research had previously suggested.

The researchers mapped over 810 square miles (2,100 sq km) in northern Peten.

Large-scale early Maya sites in Mexico revealed by lidar mapping technology

Archaeology is transforming our view of how ancient Maya societies developed. Use of lidar technology has now led to the discovery that large, monumental structures that aid naked-eye astronomy were built unexpectedly early.

Ancient Maya wetland fields revealed under tropical forest canopy from laser scanning and multiproxy evidence

THE ANCIENTS: The Pyramids of China

Could This Be The Legendary "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka?

Ancient Hindu lore about the god Rama sheds light on an incredible feat of ancient engineering.

Myth and science behind Adams Bridge (Rama Sethu, Rama’s Bridge)

Evidences which shows it is Man Made structure:

The research led by the former director of the Geological Survey of India Dr. Badrinarayanan, concluded that the Adams bridge AKA Rama Sethu was man-made.

Dr. Badrinarayanan and his team drilled 10 bore holes along the alignment of Adam’s Bridge. They discovered About 6 meters below the surface he and his team found a consistent layer of calcareous sand stone, corals and boulder like materials.

His team was surprised when they discovered a layer of loose sand, some 4-5 meters further down and then hard rock formations below that.

A team of SCUBA divers went down to physically examine the bridge. According to their observations the boulders that they observed were not composed of a typical marine formation. Dr. Badrinarayanan and his team concluded that materials from either shore were placed upon the sandy bottom of the water to form the causeway.

Dwarka: Built 10,000 Years Ago, The Holiest City Of India Lies Submerged Underwater

Everyone is looking for the lost records of Atlantis in Egypt but I think they are in India and in plain sight..

2013: Found: ‘User guide’ for Mahabharata .. The Mysterious Weapons. Advanced war techniques of Mahabharata period.

Magic? Technology? Myth?

Mahabharata in its entirety is renowned for the usage of multiple mysterious weapons. The portrayal some of the celestial weapons has been interpreted by different kind of people in a few different ways based on their visualization/interpretation of the epic. The unbelievers cite these celestial weapons to outrightly reject Mahabharata as a myth as they believe that Ancient India was neither scientifically advanced enough to create such weapons of mass destruction, nor is it possible to accept the stories of divine interference in the then Indian political system to grant magical weapons to the kings of the period.

Is reading too hard and too much work for your brain? Reading is like exercise and if your brain is a lazy, fat and lumpy couch potato it's going to get tired fast but give it a exercise routine and a little time you'll be surprised at how strong your brain can get..

Without trying to be an asshole there are no Facebook rules or Facebook community standards regarding how many links are in a post and a post can be 63 000 characters. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Facebook..

#1 If you're looking for less information per post maybe Twitter is the place for you..

#2 All pieces of one related subject and if you find it too complex that's your limitation - whine to someone who cares because I don't - and not everyone else feels the need to try and read it all at once. Ever heard of a bookmark??

240 million years ago to 250 million years in the future.


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