
Showing posts from August, 2024

For a Billionaire, Trump Has a Crappy Plane: The truth about his vintage Boeing 757.

See inside Trump's prized "$100 million" Boeing 757 private jet he's managed(?) to hold onto despite his costly legal battles. (For it to be worth the $100 million Trump claims it's worth he'd have to have it gold plated - And other than Adin Ross, the notorious "butt-sniffing" streamer, who would want to buy Trump's ancient jet?) 2024: To hear Trump tell it, that’s not much of an upgrade at all. He once told Rolling Stone that Air Force One is “a step down” from his 757 “in every way.” (But would it cost more to completely upgrade Trump Force One with computers and modern avionics than the jet would be worth after the upgrades?) But that’s pure delusion. Sure, Trump’s plane is big, and it has a shiny new paint job, but from a true private-jet aficionado’s point of view, those are about its only virtues. “It’s like if you wanted to brag about having a massive yacht, so you bought the Staten Island Ferry and converted it,” says a private-je

Trump Promotes Messiah Complex With Low IQ, Religious Voters.

Is megalomaniac a mental disorder? A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness. Usually the megalomaniac is the product of some excessive humiliation (BERTRAND RUSSELL) OBAMA TRUMPS TRUMP... The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men in history. Love of power, like vanity, is a strong element in normal human nature, and as such is to be accepted; it becomes deplorable only when it is excessive or associated with an insufficient sense of reality. Where this
Although many adults' can read, the act of reading and the act of comprehending what you read are two very different things. Reading requires the fluent parsing and blending various phonetic sounds to create words. Reading Comprehension, on the other hand, involves thinking about the words that were just read and deriving a meaning, for just those words and the text as a whole!In simpler terms, reading comprehension is the ability to read, understand, process, and recall what was just read. Reading isn't just a way to cram facts into your brain. It's a way to rewire how your brain works in general. It strengthens your ability to imagine alternative paths, remember details, picture detailed scenes, and think through complex problems. Feb. 22, 2021 People’s choice of words can be revealing. That’s certainly the case with respe

Bonhoeffer: Agent Of Grace

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian, is a Christian hero for many. Executed by the Nazis just days before the end of WWII for his participation in a plot to assassinate Hitler, Bonhoeffer is hailed as a 20th-century martyr. But Bonhoeffer struggled with a moral dilemma – his religious views were in stark contrast to the evil he saw all around him. He chose to face possible imprisonment and execution and to remain faithful to the principles of his belief in God. Across the political and theological spectrum, Bonhoeffer is celebrated as an icon of true Christianity and his theological writings are classics throughout the Christian world. “Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. It would even seem tha

2024: Strange Things About Hulk Hogan's Marriages.

2008: So the latest controversy with Hulk Hogan super dad, after the leaked telephone conversations between he and his jailed son Nick, the pics of he and his Lolita-like daughter (and BAD, BAD singer) Brooke Hogan. The tamest of the pics is one as he is apparently applying baby oil or suntan oil or something as he is cupping her buttocks.. Then there is one of his massive paws strangely within crotch range,……..She says it’s no big deal. I don't know, isn't this just CREEPY? Protective fathers are usually keen to convince their daughters to cover up their bodies but Hulk Hogan obviously doesn't mind his 24-year-old showing off her figure. In fact the former professional wrestler tweeted a revealing picture of his daughter wearing a tiny pair of denim shorts with the caption 'Brooke's legs'. Hulk supervising Brooke's semi-nude Maxim shoot that same year did little to quell the rumours. 2024: Strange Things About Hulk Hogan's Marriages.

The Attempt | UNCUT Standup


"A Time for Choosing" election speech October 27, 1964.

"You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There's only an up or down - [up] man's old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism." Ronald Reagan. Originally used by Ronald Reagan as a campaign slogan in his 1980 presidential campaign (Let's Make America Great Again), it has since been described as a loaded phrase. Multiple scholars, journalists, and commentators have called the slogan racist, regarding it as dog-whistle politics and coded language. Ronald Reagan gave the Christian Right rhetorical support during his presidential campaigns and time in office, and he invited evangelical leaders such as Jerry Falwell and James Dobson to the White House, but he was unable to give the movement the legislation on school prayer and abortion that it wanted. The attention that Reagan ga

A History of Private Schools and Race in the American South..

WHY ARE MAGA SUPPORTS SO DUMB? LET'S LOOK AT THEIR EDUCATION - AND WHERE THEY GOT IT... The first segregation academies were created by white parents in the late 1950s in response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1954),which required public school boards to eliminate segregation "with all deliberate speed" (Brown II). At the time, segregation under Jim Crow laws was still widely enforced in the South, where most adult blacks were still disfranchised and excluded from politics. The Brown ruling did not apply to private schools, so founding new academies gave white parents a way to continue to educate their children separately from blacks. In Virginia, the "massive resistance" campaign led Prince Edward County to close its public schools from 1959 to 1964; the only education in the county was a segregation academy, funded by state "tuition grants." From 1950 to 1958, the South’s private school enrollment incre

2023: Donald Trump, Mob Boss—Then and Now. Plus 2017: Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Trump's Surprising Popularity in Prison. MANY INCARCERATED WHITE PEOPLE SAID THEY'D RE-ELECT THE PRESIDENT—IF GIVEN THE CHANCE. AMERICANS BEHIND BARS TELL US WHY THEY LOVE THE PRESIDENT. Inside prison, reasons for supporting Trump vary. Some of the reasons reflect the particular circumstances of prison life: Most prisoners share a cell, making it difficult to tune out conservative cellmates or right-wing media, or to even control which channel is on. Prisons are also notoriously segregated and can be a breeding ground for white nationalists. Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns when he rolled back Obama regulation. In 2017, Trump quietly rolled back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illness to buy guns. President Donald Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings by insisting Monday that “mental illness pulls the trigger not the gun,” but shortly after taking office he quietly rolled back an Obama-era r