
Showing posts from June, 2024

Roseanne Says Having 7 Personalities Is Tough.

Loudmouthed comedian Roseanne has had a lot of different personas: waitress, stand-up comic, talk show host, and actress. But that's not what she means when she says she's dealing with multiple personalities. Roseanne, who first told the world that she has multiple personality disorder in 1994, says it's not easy dealing with switching between "Somebody" and "Nobody." Those are just two of the names the former sitcom queen has given to her personalities, which she says total seven in all. The rest she calls Baby, Cindy, Susan, Joey, and Heather. In an interview in the August issue of Esquire magazine, Roseanne says that after 10 years of hard work, she's managed to integrate the differing personalities. The celebrity struggles to contain the condition that she said has afflicted her since she was a child. "I haven't had any blackouts for quite a while. I used to have them minute by minute," she says. "I was always in conf

Electrical Canoe (Donald Trump / Electric Avenue song parody)



PLANET9/X Want to find a missing planet? Follow Oumuamua's outbound trajectory ... 'Oumuamua is heading toward the constellation Pegasus and is now far beyond the orbit of Neptune. The best-known of the Planet 9 theories predicted the existence of a distant planet that was influencing the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. Two of NASA's space telescopes (Hubble and Spitzer) tracked the object traveling about 85,700 miles per hour (38.3 kilometers per second) relative to the Sun. Its outbound path is about 20 degrees above the plane of planets that orbit the Sun.


EXPLODER BALLS SOLD SEPARATELY - VERY SEPARATELY! Sportswriter Rick Reilly On Donald Trump's Golf Cheating. Rick Reilly, one of America’s preeminent sportswriters and a member of the National Sportswriters and Sportscasters Hall of Fame, is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump (2019). Based on Reilly's own experiences with Trump as well as interviews with over 100 golf pros, amateurs, developers, and caddies, Commander in Cheat is a startling and at times hilarious indictment of Trump and his golf game. Reilly reveals how Trump cheats (sometimes with the help of his caddies and Secret Service agents), lies about his scores (the "Trump Bump"), tells whoppers about the rank of his courses and their worth (declaring that every one of them is worth $50 million), and tramples the etiquette of the game. 2022: Donald Trump is known to be a cheater on the golf course, so his recent hole-in-one claim should def

Meet the woman who took out Breitbart News.

The trolls couldn’t stop her, Steve Bannon couldn’t stop her; Hell, The Mercer’s themselves couldn’t stop her. Nandini Jammi, was the cofounder of Sleeping Giants. She tells Denver what it took to smash Breitbart’s ad revenue, what does to combat the disinformation economy and what inspired Nandini Jammi to become one of the most effective marketing activists in the country. Breitbart was launched in 2005 and named for its founder, a right-wing media maverick called Andrew Breitbart. He had been a protégé of Matt Drudge, whose site The Drudge Report remains one of the most powerful and influential news aggregation sites on the web, especially for those on the political right. Breitbart’s idea was to create a “Huffington Post of the right” – a site on which he had also worked. The site enjoyed lots of early successes, in part because Drudge helped out his friend by regularly featuring Breitbart stories on his site, funnelling monster traffic. Breitbart also broke

The Predictable Paranoia of the Tyrannical Mind..

Donald Trump and the Paranoid Position. This article situates Trump in the context of what Daniel Bell called the New American Right and analyzes the mass or group psychological basis of his charisma. Originating with McCarthyism, the New American Right was a reaction to the New Deal—a defense of the “real,” that is, rural, America against urban elites and immigrants. Richard Hofstadter’s famous characterization of the New American Right as “paranoid” drew on the Frankfurt School yet remained essentially descriptive. To deepen Hofstadter’s idea, I utilize Melanie Klein’s distinction between the paranoid (schizoid) and depressive (intersubjective) positions. This distinction helps clarify the difference between the mass psychologies of right-wing and left-wing movements, including in our time. By describing Trump’s relation to his followers, I explicate the paranoid basis of his movement’s violence and provide some clues to its underlying dynamics. Finally, I identify the liberal an

Duty to Warn: Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess the “Dangerous Case” of President Trump.

SPLC RELEASES ANNUAL YEAR IN HATE & EXTREMISM REPORT, DECODES THE FAR-RIGHT'S PLAN TO UNDO DEMOCRACY. Report documents record numbers of white nationalist and anti-LGBTQ groups in 2023 and shows how hard-right groups are actively working to destabilize democratic institutions in America. Far Right Pastor MELTS DOWN in unhinged tirade against Democrats. Far right preacher Greg Locke told the followers in his church today, "You cannot be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation! Democratic voters are demons who are unwelcome in his congregation..." Hyper-religiosity is a psychiatric disturbance in which a person experiences intense religious beliefs or episodes that interfere with normal functioning. Hyperreligiosity generally includes abnormal beliefs and a focus on religious content or even atheistic content, which interferes wit

Religion-based con artists prey on the faithful...

Why Some People Hand Their Lives Over to Cults. Fox Host PANICS When Trump Starts Trashing Christians. The research on abdication syndrome. The follower has a psychological need to worship someone, and the leader has a psychological need to be worshipped. It’s an agreement between a person who wants to take the role of child and a person who wants to take the role of parent. "Abdication syndrome" occurs when followers hand responsibility for their lives over to leaders. The "syndrome" may be due to a desire to return to early childhood, when parents were seen as omnipotent. There is an "abdicated state of consciousness," similar to hypnosis, with a vacant "glassy-eyed" stare. It is an agreement between a leader who craves to be worship and followers who crave to worship someone. BUT THE MAGA EVENGELICALS DON'T WANT TO STOP AT JUST TURNING OVER RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN LIVES, THEY WANT TO TURN OVER THE COUNTRY AND YOUR LIVE