
Showing posts from May, 2024

Does your local MAGA candidate have a diploma mill education?

WHAT OTHER REASONABLE EXPLANATION COULD THERE BE FOR HOW DUMB MAGA LEADERS ARE... THEIR CREDENTIALS MUST BE AS FAKE AS THE "NEWS" THEY PUMP OUT... Diploma Mills: 9 Strategies for Tackling One of Higher Education’s Most Wicked Problems This article examines the roots and scope of the diploma mill problem, the damage they do to individuals, institutions, and society, and, most importantly, the solutions that can be brought to bear against them. Diploma mills are a chronic problem in both higher and secondary education. Particularly in the digital age, they operate in the shadows, setting up business operations in one country, and offering “degrees” for a price through multiple, cleverly packaged websites. At a moment in history when online education is widely accepted and the acquisition of credentials often piecemeal, they are sometimes hard to recognize, especially for potential students hoping to get a leg up in the job market. Consider the roughly 98 million peop

Antisocial Personality Disorder: Dealing with a Sociopath.

TRUMP GETS MERCILESSLY BOOED AT SPEECH. Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump getting booed at the Libertarian Convention in Washington DC. HOW MANY UNDIAGNOSED MENTALLY ILL AMERICANS ARE THERE? An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older -- about 1 in 4 adults -- suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. In particular, depressive illnesses tend to co-occur with substance use and anxiety disorders. Approximately 9.5% of American adults ages 18 and over, will suffer from a depressive illness (major depression, bipolar disorder, or dysthymia) each year. Know someone who persistently shows no regard for other people and little remorse for their destructive actions? These tips can help you identify antisocial behavior and deal with a sociopath. What percentage of the US population has

The Dangerous Weaponization of Religion: A Threat to American Democracy

THE IDEA THAT “MY FREEDOM ENDS WHERE YOURS BEGINS” IS A FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE THAT LIES AT THE HEART OF A HARMONIOUS AND JUST SOCIETY. THIS CONCEPT ENCAPSULATES THE UNDERSTANDING THAT WHILE INDIVIDUALS HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXERCISE THEIR FREEDOMS, THOSE FREEDOMS MUST NOT INFRINGE UPON THE RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF OTHERS. Messianic Trump Syndrome: The “Shared Psychosis” of Trumpianity by Bruce T. Gourley | Oct 18, 2023 | Feature, Opinion Millions, dismissing Jesus’ inclusive, compassionate and peaceful life and teachings, hang on their extremist political messiah’s every word. So widespread is Trump’s messianic following that some mesmerized adherents of Trumpianity have been known to praise their savior’s divinity on billboards and in books. There is a backstory to this madness: Much of white American Christianity—from enslaving Black people to racial apartheid to violent resistance to human rights—has long marinated in white pride and an overriding lust for power. Anti-Christ

Family and Children’s Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville v. Co-operators General Insurance Company, 2021 ONCA 159 (CanLII)

'It was four years of my life on hold' — CAS whistleblower cleared of hacking charges. PROTECTED BOARD PORTAL OR PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE WEBSITE? The Difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet. Internet vs. intranet vs. extranet: The key differences 1. Internet : The network formed by the co-operative interconnection of millions of computers, linked together is called Internet. Internet comprises of : People : People use and develop the network. Resources : A collection of resources that can be reached from those networks. A setup for collaboration : It includes the member of the research and educational committees worldwide. 2. Intranet : It is an internal private network built within an organization using Internet and World Wide Web standards and products that allows employees of an organization to gain access to corporate information. 3. Extranet : It is the type of network that allows users from outside to access the Intranet of an organization.


Florida Law Review, Vol. 35, Iss. 2 [1983], Art. 5 1983: Indictment of Federal Judges: Chilling Judicial Independence. William Hamilto - INTRODUCTION In the past decade federal grand juries have criminally indicted' two article III federal judges for impeachable offenses. 2 These events are unprecedented in the history of the American Republic, 3 and bring into clear contrast the impeachment 4 and criminal processes. Federal Judges. Article III of the Constitution governs the appointment, tenure, and payment of Supreme Court justices, and federal circuit and district judges. These judges, often referred to as “Article III judges,” are nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The indictments pose the issue of whether an article III federal judge5 may be indicted, tried, judged, and punished according to law6 on charges of official misconduct prior to impeachment and conviction by the Senate of the United States.8 The recent indictment of the Honorable A


WHY DOES TRUMP WALK ALL OVER AND SPIT ON ALL AMERICAN SOCIAL COURTESIES AND CONVENTIONS IF NOT FOR THE VERY SAME REASON MUSASHI DID.. TO UNBALANCE AND DISTRACT HIS OPPONENT.. It is said that on 13 April 1612, two great Japanese samurai engaged in a battle to the death. It was a showdown between arch rivals Sasaki Kojiro and Miyamoto Musashi. And it would come to be enshrined in Japanese lore as the Duel Of Ganryu-Jima. On the morning of the duel, Sasaki Kojiro arrived on Ganryu Island on time and immaculately groomed. By contrast, Musashi arrived three hours late and dishevelled. Kojiro and the officials considered this a blatant show of disrespect and dishonourable contempt for the warrior code. In a fit of rage, Kojiro drew his scabbard and discarded his sheath, prompting Musashi to declare: ‘If you have no more use for your sheath, you are already dead.’ Musashi then further insulted Kojiro with his choice of weapon, unveiling a sword not of metal but of wood. It is beli

The Internet, Social Media and Spies..

I’ve been to the mountain top and delved into the mass appeal of Donald Trump. Going beyond the obvious tweets of simple racism, there seems to be more to his appeal than meets the eye. What do you imagine Putin thinks when he sees groups of radical racist government hating white nationalist conspiracy theorists parading themselves up and down America's streets..? THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND.. HOW DID HE RECRUIT " THEM ?" Well, during the cold war - there was no internet or social media and foreign agents/spies or terrorists had to actually get into the countries they were stealing from or planning to attack and whatever else bad guys do.. Now - those same spies and terrorists could be and most likely are on our social media friends lists essentially working to harm our countries from everywhere we access the internet.. THAT'S HOW PUTIN RECRUITED " THEM " AND GAVE BIRTH TO THE MAGA MOVEMENT. TRUMP DIDN'T CREATE THE MAGA MOVEMENT - PU

When a nuclear superpowers go rogue - everyone has a dog in the fight..

2015: Donald Trump Has No Idea What America's Nuclear Triad Is. By Tyler Rogoway Donald Trump, who claims to be the “best on the military” among the 2016 Presidential candidates because he is the best at everything, apparently has no idea what the nuclear triad is. The revelation came during last night’s Presidential Debate when conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump a question about the need to modernize our nuclear forces. Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad. 2017: “Insanity and folly”: experts on Trump’s proposal to build tens of thousands of nukes. “We now know why Tillerson called Trump a moron.” Donald Trump asked his top national security officials to build tens of thousands of new nuclear weapons during a July 20 meeting, according to an NBC News report published on Wednesday morning. The president’s request, experts say, is simultaneously impossible and terrifying. “The insanity and folly of this … cannot be overstated,” Kingsto