
Showing posts from November, 2023

“Gangsters of Capitalism”: Jonathan Katz on the Parallels Between Jan. 6 and 1934 Anti-FDR Coup Plot.

HAS THERE EVER BEEN A TIME IN AMERICA'S HISTORY WHEN THERE WASN'T A BUNCH OF RICH PRICKS TRYING TO END THE CONSTITUTION AND TAKE OVER? “Gangsters of Capitalism”: Jonathan Katz on the Parallels Between Jan. 6 and 1934 Anti-FDR Coup Plot We speak to award-winning journalist Jonathan Katz about his new book “Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America’s Empire.” The book follows the life of the Marines officer Smedley Butler and the trail of U.S. imperialism from Cuba and the Philippines to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Panama. The book also describes an effort by banking and business leaders to topple Franklin D. Roosevelt’s government in 1934 in order to establish a fascist dictatorship. The plot was exposed by Butler, who famously declared, “War is a racket.” The far-right conspiracy to overthrow liberal democracy has historical parallels to the recent January 6 insurrection, says Katz. https://www.dem


Flat Earther Sees Space for the First Time. WHAT WOULDN'T WE HAVE TODAY IF IT WERE UP TO FLAT EARTHERS, ANTI-MASKERS AND OTHER SCIENCE DENIERS? Plenty. If you think science doesn’t matter much to you, think again. Science affects us all, every day of the year, from the moment we wake up, all day long, and through the night. Your digital alarm clock, the weather report, the asphalt you drive on, the bus you ride in, your decision to eat a baked potato instead of fries, your cell phone, the antibiotics that treat your sore throat, the clean water that comes from your faucet, and the light that you turn off at the end of the day have all been brought to you courtesy of science. The modern world would not be modern at all without the understandings and technology enabled by science. 5 – Artificial Intelligence We often look at artificial intelligence from a human perspective, for example robots that begin thinking for themselves (and perhaps

The so-called Freedom Convoy was never about truckers, or border mandates..

‘Freedom convoy’ – the good, the bad, and the ugly constitutional aspects Even before the Charter of Rights and Freedoms entrenched constitutional rights to freedom of expression and association, the Canadian Supreme Court recognized these as implicit structural features of Canada’s democracy. The ability for individuals to collectively and openly criticize government is an important foundation of democratic government – even (maybe especially) when it is unpopular. Section 2 of the Charter protects this right, and the Supreme Court has given a “generous and liberal” interpretation to the expression that is protected. The value of the speech – whether it is good public policy, based in science, or accepted by the general public – is not a condition for its protection under the Charter. To the extent that the “freedom convoy” has involved peaceful protests to convey political messages and criticism of pandemic law and policy – it reflects this constitutional commitment. A noisy publ

An Apocalypse of One: Of Cult Leaders, Messianic Delusion, and Radicalization.

Here are 15 bible verses about the character traits of the Antichrist, and which all point to Donald J. Trump as being the Man of Sin. Cult leaders are, almost by definition, con artists who attain power by brainwashing, manipulating, robbing and exploiting their victims. Donald Trump is an unrepentant con artist who has leveraged his tremendous popularity into a sizable and scary cult. Dietrich Bonhoeffer (executed by the Nazis in 1945) argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless as all attempts at reason fall on deaf ears. Trump uses the same strategies and emotional appeals as con men and women and cult leaders. Just as con artists and cult leaders condition their victims/followers to not believe the skeptical outsi

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him.

Back in 2002, when Jeffrey Epstein was known only as a mysterious financial whiz with a private island and a roster of A-list friends, being friendly with him was something to boast about. And Donald Trump did. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” Now, Epstein is in jail, charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors who allege he abused dozens of female minors in New York and Palm Beach, Fla. He is no longer a friend anyone would want to claim. And now, Trump doesn’t. https://www.vanit

The Fascinating Reason Why Liars Keep On Lying: Lying Changes the Brain.

The Fascinating Reason Why Liars Keep On Lying. Most of us will squirm a little, but may also lie a little, if someone asks us a difficult question such as how they look in a new outfit. No one really wants to honestly say the outfit is a disaster, or it makes the person look huge. So, some glib comment like, “It’s just your color” comes to the rescue in what we might call a “white lie.” But what happens if we find ourselves telling a real lie about something? All sorts of circumstances may have happened to cause us to lie, but we are still stuck with the reality of it, and the guilty feelings. Lying Changes the Brain Now, Scientific American is telling us what else happens when we lie. They say a new study has found lying gets easier for humans the more they lie, because lying changes the brain! Nature Neuroscience reported a study of the amygdala, the part of the brain dealing with emotional responses. The researchers said the amygdala shows up less and less, as we lie mor

2020: We’re watching Trump’s 7th bankruptcy unfold.

TRUMP CLAIMS SCAMS TO DEFRAUD BANKS WERE VICTIMLESS CRIMES... Donald Trump's trail of unpaid bills. Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees. Cities angry with Trump over millions in unpaid rally expenses. Donald Trump Has a History of Not Paying His Bills. That Offers Some Insights Into His Personality. The former president loves leaving promises unfulfilled and bills unpaid. Trump Stiffed Local Cops. Now It’s Coming Back to Bite Him. Report: Trump has refused to pay hundreds of workers. Trump stiffed his alleged co-conspirators, whose false claims brought in $250 million. Some in South Jersey have a message for Trump: Pay your old Atlantic City casino bills. “Trump never pays his bills”: Truth Social reportedly stiffs contractor amid financial “disarray” Hundreds Claim Donald Trump Doesn't Pay His Bills in Full. Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors Dozens of lawsuits allege the businessman didn't pay what he owed.

Trump's Surprising Popularity in Prison.

MANY INCARCERATED WHITE PEOPLE SAID THEY'D RE-ELECT THE PRESIDENT—IF GIVEN THE CHANCE. Before prison, John Adkins, 43, didn’t care about politics. He watched the news regularly but said he mostly wanted to see reports about the ongoing gang violence in Southwest Detroit, where he lived. Now, after 23 years in a Michigan prison for murder, Adkins is an ardent Republican and supporter of Donald Trump. The Marshall Project partnered with Slate to conduct the first-of-its-kind political survey of prisons and jails across the country. Read more about how prison can change your political outlook, what individuals had to say and how one man became politically engaged in Louisiana’s Angola prison. Here's more on how we did it. He credits conservative media for his political education. In prison, Adkins began watching the news again but soon grew sick of “the demonization of straight, white, Christian men on CNN and MSNBC and just about all mainstream media,” he wrote, using the e